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Summary: Here, we look at how law firms can combine Microsoft Copilot with Sysero’s Knowledge Management and Workflow Automation features to drive enhanced efficiency and client service.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: By seamlessly integrating technology into day-to-day operations, law firms can not only streamline their processes, but also unlock new avenues for revenue growth.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: Depending on the need, there are a variety of ways you can leverage low-code platforms to create custom workflows and solve a number of operational challenges. Here, we look at some of the most common use cases for low-code platforms within law firms.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: Here, we look at three key ways that firms can leverage technology to help reduce costs, accelerate operational efficiency, and ultimately boost profitability.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: Cloud-based workflows have long powered processes across the corporate sector, and in recent years, law firms and other professional services organisations have begun to unlock the potential of cloud-based workflows.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: When it comes to digital workflows, there are endless possibilities in leveraging automation to drive improvements and optimisations for your firm. These are four signs that your firm is ready to digitise your workflows for a more optimised and compliant experience.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: Compliance is a key, yet complex issue for the modern law firm. Today’s firms have an obligation to stay in compliance with a host of regulatory requirements, including Know Your Client and Anti-Money Laundering regulations. While compliance for law firms is a standard part of everyday operations, the processes and protocols in maintaining compliance can pose unique challenges.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: Despite the significant increase in legal workflow automation adoption in recent years, there are still many legal leaders who have hesitations and doubts about bringing workflow automation to their firms. Here, we debunk common misconceptions about legal workflow automation.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: While low-code and no-code technology has the potential to reshape the world of legal work, there’s still some confusion about what it is - and more importantly, how legal professionals can use it to improve their day-to-day work.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: While the term Legal AI offers a visionary, bold, and frankly far-off answer to legal sector challenges, it’s Legal Automation that’s solving the problems of today and tomorrow.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: From time-intensive processes to client data security, here we look at the five most common client onboarding challenges that today’s law firms face - and how technology can help you overcome them.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: While workflows can be incredibly beneficial to your firm, your workflow design must be intelligent, detailed, and comprehensive. To help ensure your workflows work in the way you want, here are a few best practices for designing your legal workflows.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: With the rise of hybrid working and constantly evolving client expectations, legal workflow automation has become a cornerstone of the legal IT stack.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: While there are plenty of reasons to automate your firm’s workflows, here are four key ways that automation can create a competitive edge for your firm.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Summary: Thriving in today’s legal landscape requires legal providers to think strategically and digitally. The pandemic has unsurfaced many of the shortcomings of more traditional ways of doing business and has pushed legal professionals to embrace new and evolving technologies.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 0.4739668
Showing 1 - 15 of 46
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