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Summary: While low-code solutions can be used to power a variety of workflows across the law firm, many firms are now embracing these platforms to ease the transition to iManage Cloud.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: Over the years, forward-thinking firms have embraced KM technologies to facilitate innovation, encourage knowledge-sharing - and more importantly, prevent the loss of the firm’s most valuable asset.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: Traditionally, KM has centred around organising and managing matter-centric documents. However, as the legal landscape has evolved, so too has KM itself. Savvy firms are now looking to KM to deliver integrated and automated systems that enhance client service, drive firm growth and quickly adapt to the changing needs of the market.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: The success of your firm is intrinsically tied to the specialist knowledge it holds within its walls. However, all too often, these invaluable insights and tacit knowledge assets leave the firm with the lawyers that possess them.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: How do build a knowledge library that will thrive in today’s always-on firm? Here, we outline some key steps to ensure your firm is taking the right approach to knowledge management.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: Law firms and lawyers have reached a tipping point for technology as the need for efficiency has grown. Competition is heating up and firms face tremendous pressure to maintain or reduce the cost of services, whilst maintaining quality. For today’s knowledge managers, this age of innovation presents many challenges - yet also ample opportunities.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: Changing market conditions have shifted knowledge managers’ attention from templates and precedents to legal project management, alternative pricing arrangements and lawyer productivity. So, what role can knowledge managers play in driving law firm innovation? How can legal know-how be better leveraged to create differentiation and value?
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: To build a strong knowledge library and effectively manage your firm’s IP, it’s crucial to consider three key aspects: discoverability, adaptability, and quality.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) bringing the management of personal data into sharp focus, law firms in particular are set to experience huge drops in productivity and billings. However, document automation can help maintain valuable know-how databases.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Apr 2018
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
Summary: Until recently lawyers could use their Document Management Systems for research and to find example documents to use on new matters. Under post-GDPR security regimes, many firms are locking down their DMS to reduce the risk of personal data being exposed, and these searches no longer yield the same results.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Apr 2018
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Relevance Score: 1.513642
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