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Summary: Workflow automation has emerged as a transformative opportunity to revolutionise how law firms handle KYC. Here, we look at the potential of automation to streamline KYC processes, making them more efficient, accurate, and future-proof.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: By capturing and managing data digitally (as opposed to using emails and phone calls) and using workflow automation to enforce compliant behaviours, technology can help firms solve some of the most common GDPR compliance challenges.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: By combining well-developed compliance policies with the right technology solution, firms can create a streamlined and integrated client onboarding process within a robust compliance framework.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: As information security concerns mount, it’s imperative that legal service providers partner with vendors that adhere to the highest level of standards in data privacy and security. One way to ensure your partners are committed to protecting your data is to look for those that have an ISO 27001 certification.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Nov 2018
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Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in a matter of days, and with it, new obligations for data controllers and processors. As most law firms run on-site systems, it is important to understand who is responsible for the processing and where technology vendors fit into the equation.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: May 2018
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Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: With GDPR right around the corner, it’s now more important than ever for law firms to start talking to their clients about planning for compliance. GDPR will take effect in May 2018, and the consequences for noncompliance are immense. Firms that fail to comply with the regulations could face fines of up to €20M or 4% of turnover, whichever is greater.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Aug 2017
Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: We’re less than a year away from the implementation of GDPR, which will overhaul the way companies collect, use and store personal data. As of May 2018, companies around the world, who wish to sell products in the EU, will need to adhere to a strict set of data protection laws, or face fines up to €20M or 4% of turnover, whichever is greater.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: July 2017
Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: Effective 25 May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to replace the Data Protection Directive 95/46/ec. The new regulations extend the data rights of EU individuals and requires law firms to implement policies and processes to better protect clients’ personal data and provide enhanced safeguards in case of a cyber attack.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: May 2017
More Information: 17
Relevance Score: 3.493905
Summary: By 26 June 2017, a new set of anti-money laundering regulations will take effect, and law firms need to be ready. Designed to bring a more risk-based approach to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, the Fourth EU Money Laundering Directive will impact how law firms capture, store and process data.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Apr 2017
More Information: 17
Relevance Score: 3.493905
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