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Summary: By empowering lawyers to quickly and easily build custom workflows on the fly, low-code platforms deliver greater agility, productivity, and client service. Here, we look at four key use cases for low-code workflows in legal.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 2.634638
Summary: At Sysero, we’ve worked with leading law firms around the globe to design and implement low-code solutions. Here, we share our best practices for effectively project managing a low-code project, from beginning to end.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 2.634638
Summary: Today’s firms have access to an array of different technologies that can help improve efficiency, productivity, and resiliency. However, selecting the right solution and driving adoption with your firm can be tricky.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 2.634638
Summary: If you’re planning to introduce new technology within your firm, there are several key steps you need to consider - from carefully planning your project to gathering honest feedback.
Resource Type: Blog
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Relevance Score: 2.634638
Summary: The decision to host technology solutions on premise or within the cloud can be daunting for today’s law firms. While on-premise servers offer increased security and integration, cloud solutions also have their advantages.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Oct 2017
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Relevance Score: 2.634638
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