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Summary: Guide on a few more advanced user features
Resource Type: Manual
Relevance Score: 0.4873711
... Guide 2017 V1...
Summary: Sysero is a framework application that include designers for building web based databases and document libraries, automating documents and creating decision driven forms and workflows. This guide is design for consultants and KM specialists looking to implement Sysero .
Resource Type: Manual
Publish Date: Nov 2017
Relevance Score: 0.4873711
... Guide...
Summary: Overview of the Sysero Server and Components
Resource Type: Manual
Relevance Score: 0.4479193
Summary: Short guide on searching including syntax
Resource Type: Manual
Relevance Score: 0.4479193
Summary: Short guide about using Sysero from Word and FileSite
Resource Type: Manual
Relevance Score: 0.4479193
... Guide...
Summary: Manuals for those automating documents and business processes
Resource Type: Manual
Relevance Score: 0.4479193
Summary: Searching Sysero from the SharePoint web part
Resource Type: Manual
Relevance Score: 0.4084676
... SYSEROA guide...
Summary: We know that starting a new technology project can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this getting started guide to help you plan a successful implementation of your Sysero technology.
Resource Type: Programme
Publish Date: June 2017
Relevance Score: 0.2901124
Summary: Reduce drafting time whilst increasing output quality and providing knowledge transfer between senior and junior fee earners
Resource Type: Programme
Publish Date: Oct 2016
More Information: 5
Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Summary: This workflow uses Sysero to customise a non-disclosure document and send for e-signing. It shows how a document can be signed before being sent to a third party who then signs the document. Once all parties have signed the document the final version is emailed to all parties. Sysero also integrates with DocuSign.
Resource Type: Demo
Publish Date: Sep 2018
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Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Summary: Castrén & Snellman, Finland's oldest law firm, prides itself on helping clients succeed in a rapidly changing world. So, when the firm noticed a trend of clients wanting greater value and predictive control over their legal spend, they partnered with Sysero to improve the efficiency of legal service delivery.
Resource Type: Case Study
Publish Date: May 2017
Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Summary: With GDPR right around the corner, it’s now more important than ever for law firms to start talking to their clients about planning for compliance. GDPR will take effect in May 2018, and the consequences for noncompliance are immense. Firms that fail to comply with the regulations could face fines of up to €20M or 4% of turnover, whichever is greater.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Aug 2017
Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Summary: We’re pleased to announce the launch of Responsive TM, a new design layout now available for Sysero systems.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Jul 2018
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Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Summary: Sysero, the leader in document workflow automation solutions, is pleased to announce that iManage, the company that transforms how professionals in legal, accounting and financial services get work done with market leading document and email management, is adopting Sysero’s document automation solution to streamline client onboarding and delivery of consulting and implementation services.
Resource Type: Press Release
Publish Date: Oct 2018
Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Summary: We’re delighted to be sponsoring this year’s iManage EMEA User Group Meeting, taking place on 29th November in London.
Resource Type: Blog
Publish Date: Oct 2018
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Relevance Score: 0.2112089
Showing 1 - 15 of 51
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