Knowledge: Send report content in email using data for targeted user
    Title*Send report content in email using data for targeted user
    Manual Level TwoEmails
    DetailYou can send report content embedded in e-mail, targetted specifically for that user:
    1. Create Web Report, from Admin > Reports.
    2. Create your SQL, using the parameter @UserID to target e-mailed user.
    3. Test Report.
    4. Copy GUID from QueryString
    5. Create an e-Mail templte under Admin > Email Templates.
    6. Use Syntax similar to this with GUID you copied [Report(70b24ca3-de8f-4ff5-8873-1ed483d78452)].
    7. Go to Admin > Job Scheduler.
    8. Setup Job of Action Type "Send e-mails on a scheduled basis".
    9. Add alerts for users who should recieve e-mail using e-Mail template you created.
    10. Test.
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